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Fit4Mom: Mother’s Day Event

We support some awesome moms in Fit4Mom events across the country. From OC to NY and back again, we love hearing how the events turn out and how our products help these moms out day to day. Moms can, and have been taken for granted, but are probably some of the most important people on this planet. Which is why we are happy to be working with them. If you are not familiar with Fit4Mom, Here’s a little background.

Lisa Druxman created Stroller Strides in 2001 after the birth of her baby, to offer moms an opportunity to get in shape, meet other moms and have a little fun. Since then, they have released many other programs and classes to give women the “Strength for Motherhood”, and together they create FIT4MOM. Helping the moms of the world makes strides in fitness, motherhood and life.

Their most recent event was for Mother’s day and the turnout was great. Over 100 mothers attended and word continued to spread even after our event. We provided one of many prizes for their raffle, and the winner was thrilled. Check it out below. fit4mom4





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